Max's Garden

Ferns, Fuchsias and avoiding Falls

Ferns, Fuchsias and avoiding Falls

Saturday 1st June 2019

On the north side of the house, heavily shaded at lower levels, the lower path is flanked by beds of Hart's Tongue ferns, Dryopteris (?) ferns, Astilbe and assorted fuchsias.

All these plants are thought to be non-toxic to dogs

Behind are sections of natural bedrock built higher using local stone to stop the steep slope from slumping down. Here can be found fossilised crinoids, and once a solitary coral. Atop this wall is a path, some 12 feet above the lower path, with a safety fence to prevent the gardener from falling. Here are two narrow long beds, mostly in full sun and these are used to grow spring and summer bulbs, several of them toxic.

Max's entrance to the high path is prevented by a narrow swing gate, as the fence is built from posts bolted to the wall with bull wire strung between, with many dog size gaps